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Buletin Sumber Daya Geologi Volume 19 Issue 3 of 2024 features five scientific articles discussing minerals, fossil energy, and geothermal energy, contributed by authors from various institutions. The first article examines alteration and mineralization in Cianjur using XRD, petrography, and mineragraphy analyses. The second article investigates geothermal fluids and reservoir temperatures in South Sumatra, revealing that the fluids originate from meteoric water with high temperatures. The third article explores the characterization of hydrocarbon source rocks in the Northern East Java Basin using well data analysis and seismic inversion. The fourth article studies alteration and mineralization in West Nusa Tenggara, identifying an epithermal high-sulfidation type. The final article discusses geothermal energy potential in the Leles Prospect, Cianjur, recommending direct utilization for swimming pools, jacuzzis, and aquaculture.
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Buletin Sumber Daya Geologi